Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Motivation Theory Essay

Presentation These days, most companies’ objective is to augment its benefit. To do as such, the segment of the organization must help out one another. The senior (CEO and administrators) must form a decent connection with the lesser (representatives) so as to know the idea of the workers. In the wake of understanding the idea and the requirements of the laborers, the following stage is applying inspiration hypothesis to the representatives so as to accomplish the objective of the organization. There are numerous inspiration speculations in overseeing HR, yet none is all around acknowledged. Every hypothesis has its quality and shortcoming. It relies upon the senior idea to choose which hypothesis they will use to rouse their laborers. This exposition will examine about the substance hypothesis of Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Theory and the procedure hypothesis of Adam’s Equity Theory. It likewise talks about how occupation configuration can influence employee’s inspiration and the similitudes and contrasts from the two speculations. Content speculations Content speculations clarify the necessities of people that necessary individual to satisfy them, factors that persuade individuals in working environment and what drive individuals conduct. There are four pioneers in content hypothesis of inspiration: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, McClelland’s Theory of Needs, and McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. The Motivation-Hygiene Theory Frederick Herzberg was an American clinician and teacher of the board (Herzberg 1968). He was known for familiarizing occupation improvement and Motivation-Hygiene Theory into business the board. This hypothesis is an outcome from an exploration study made by Frederick Herzberg and his accomplices (Mausner and Snyderman) at the University of Pittsburgh in 1950s. A few examinations do discover likenesses among Herzberg’s and Maslow’s chain of command of requirements hypothesis which separates the need of a worker into two level, high-request needs (self-actualisation needs and regard needs) and lower-request need (social needs, pay needs and physiological needs), yet there is no solid proof to help those similitudes. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory depended on the aftereffect of the review of 200 specialists and bookkeepers in Pittsburgh that he made in 1950s. Each subject was approached to depict the time in their work is the point at which they felt upbeat and despondent and the portrayal of occasions that give them positive and negative inclination. What's more, thus from the overview, Herzberg presumed that there are two-factor hypothesis that influences a representative exhibition on work environment. Satisfier or inspiration at work What fulfills and persuades representatives in working environment is called inspiration factors. Each subject from the exploration study pointed an alternate factor that rouses them in work environment. As an end from the review, Herzberg inferred that there are 6 factors that propel laborers on their work. These components identified with work content; inborn elements that are identified with workers’ work. Inspiration factors prompts a higher exertion, execution and fulfillment of a worker to their activity. Inspiration factors are required if administrators need to expand laborers execution in working environment. As indicated by Herzberg, laborers won't perform most extreme in their work on the off chance that one of these elements are missing (Wood 2006). A nonappearance of one of these variables can caused disappointment on work. So also, if all the variables are available, it can cause work fulfillment (Ivancevich and Matteson 1999). These components are like Maslowâ⠂¬â„¢s higher request need. In view of Herzberg’s overview, the 6 factors that persuade a specialist in work environment are: * Achievement Representative performing admirably on their employments so as to accomplish something, for example, advancement, reward, reward, confidence. * Recognition Representatives will be progressively persuaded on the off chance that they believe they have gotten the fitting acknowledgment from organization. * Responsibility Representatives will perform boost on the off chance that they understand that they have obligation regarding their work and to the organization. * Work itself Occupation fulfillment will be accomplish if the representatives itself feels great and make the most of their work itself. * Advancement Workers are inspired in light of the fact that there is advancement on their activity. * Personal development Workers call attention to that the activity itself gives them another information. Laborers will get inspired when there is an award for their work. An additional authority of the activity from administrators will persuaded them as they understood that they have duty regarding their work. As they are progressively spurred for their work, their exhibition will improve and this will give them more expertise which influence their self-improvement. Dissatisfier of cleanliness factor at work Without cleanliness factors, laborers will get disappointed and they won't perform well on their activity. Cleanliness factors which incorporate the earth of working environment don't higher the specialist inspiration, however they do have enormous effect on laborers execution in light of the fact that without them, laborers won't perform augments. As per Herzberg’s hypothesis, adjacent to a solid inspiration that spurs the representatives to perform boost on their work, an agreeable and supporting working environment additionally influence their exhibition. Lambert (2008) expressed that dissatisfiers are not the fundamental driver that caused representative leaving an association, however they are the primary driver that caused representatives troubled on their work and non-appearance. The 8 factors that forestall disappointment of laborers in working environment which identified with work setting; the earth and outward factors of the activity as per Herzberg’s research: * Company strategy and organization * Supervision * Relationship with boss * Work conditions * Salary * Relationship with collaborators * Status * Security Procedure hypothesis Procedure hypothesis gives the comprehension of how points of view of individuals mind impact an individual conduct and how it spurs the person. Two well known procedure hypotheses of inspiration that are known in business the board are Adam’s value hypothesis and Vroom’s hope hypothesis. Value hypothesis Value hypothesis is where workers’ inspiration is influenced by the work results that they get from the organization as the trade awards for their work. This hypothesis was likewise considered as one of the equity speculations since it accepts that laborers will be progressively roused in the event that they have gotten an appropriate treatment as they have added to the organization. Value hypothesis was created in 1963 by John Stacey Adams; a work environment and social analyst. Laborers will in general contrast their endeavors and execution and their collaborators. A correlation with others results to three end: * Under-remunerated: input > results * Over-remunerated: input < results * Equitably remunerated: input = results Negative disparity is an outcome from the inconsistent prizes that a representative got for the data sources that the workers have added to the organization (Wood 2006). The accompanying ways are you to recoup negative felt imbalance of a worker: †changing data sources †changing results †changing perspectives of the laborers itself Rousing with value hypothesis To rouse laborers with value hypothesis, administrators are required to structure a fitting prize for laborers. There are 3 stages in propelling laborers with value hypothesis: * Setting compensations for laborers. * Workers make value examination. * Workers’ work fulfillment and execution are influenced. (Wood 2006) In what manner can work configuration influence employee’s inspiration? Occupation configuration is a procedure which gives approach to make a getting ready for explicit employment assignment to guarantee that the activity itself is efficient. It likewise evacuates the deterrent that may hinder the work. A legitimate activity configuration will lead work fulfillment, improve worker inspiration, diminished representatives turnover and non-attendance (Brannick and Levine 2002). There are four strategies that are utilized to improve work productivity and occupation fulfillment: * Job disentanglement * Job augmentation * Job turn * Job advancement Occupation advancement Occupation advancement was additionally presented by Frederick Herzberg. Employment improvement is the act of building propelling variables into work content (Wood 2006, p. 162). This methodology of occupation configuration is concentrating on growing and assessing the employee’s assignments. This activity is made to improve the work procedures and situations to that the representatives are fulfill and perform well on their work. A few laborers may feel exhausted and unsatisfied with their work because of absence of a test, dull work systems. Employment enhancement makes work additionally testing with the goal that the laborers are progressively inspired. Employment advancement is an on-going administration process, so the outcome will influence the laborers for quite a while (Herzberg 2008). Since the impacts are dependable, directors ought to choose cautiously before settling on choice to apply work advancement to the laborers. There are three stages procedures to apply work enhancement to laborers: 1. Transform employees’ exertion into execution. 2. Connection employees’ execution legitimately to compensate. 3. Ensure the representative needs the prize. Supervisors ought to apply work configuration to each specialist so as to accomplish work fulfillment and to dodge aptitudes befuddle of representative and their activity which will diminish the profitability level of the worker. Occupation configuration should be possible by doing perception and meetings to representatives to comprehend what are their abilities and requirements (Hackman 1976). This will assist supervisors with deciding which occupation is fitting for the laborers. Occupation configuration makes laborers work simpler as their errand has been arranged and planned with the goal that the hindrance that will confront less deterrent during their work. Correlation Both Adam’s Equity Theory and Herzberg’s inspiration factors accepts that one of the components that influences worker’s execution is the result that they got from the organization as an installment for their commitment to the com

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay Topics and Why You Should Choose Them

Essay Topics and Why You Should Choose ThemIf you are new to writing essays for school and are having difficulty figuring out which of essay topics to choose, then this article is for you. Here we will look at some of the more common essay topics you might encounter in high school, college, or university.When it comes to topics about your biology questions, the obvious choice is your classmates and/or instructors. The benefit to this is that they are already aware of your biology interests and will already have a general idea of the topics you might tackle on your own. If you are having trouble choosing subjects in college, you might want to consider doing an assignment like this one with a friend. This is very helpful for those who are simply not sure what topics to write about and have no one to ask.When looking at possible topics, the next thing you should consider is whether or not you can think of any other topics. While this may sound like a good idea, it is usually a bad idea if you cannot think of anything else, as you may end up over-thinking the topic and may end up not being able to write anything worth reading. It is always best to brainstorm the topic first before starting, then write down a list of possible topics and let the words flow naturally once the words start coming.One of the most important essay topics to consider is what you are passionate about. You should write about something that you care about, or you may end up getting sidetracked writing about something that you do not care about.When it comes to choosing topics that may interest you, think about which hobbies you enjoy. Hobbies may include a variety of activities, including art, sports, reading, or anything else that interests you. This is also a great way to expand your knowledge about the subject and get ideas for further researching on your topic.There are many different topics that could interest you, and you should begin by considering the topics that you are most intereste d in. You should also think about topics that interest you that you may not be thinking about currently and be willing to write about them.When looking at your research paper versus essay topics, remember that the writer should always try to find the best balance between the two. There is always room for improvement when you are writing, so always strive to write something better than you have in mind. If you find yourself stuck, consider asking someone who has done a similar assignment before, or do an essay assignment from another writer you know.Make sure that you are clearly stated your goals for your essay, and stick to them throughout the entire composition. Good writing is about following directions, so do not deviate from the original purpose of the essay.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Complete Guide to Mastermind Groups

A Complete Guide to Mastermind Groups © | MalchevIn this article, we provide you with 1) a brief introduction to mastermind groups, 2) a list of its benefits, 3) how a mastermind group works, and 4) how to start and run your mastermind group.AN INTRODUCTION TO MASTERMIND GROUPA mastermind group is a platform where several participants meet with a common goal to share, understand, learn and improve their performance in their respective fields. These meetings turn out be a wonderful synergy of commitment and energy. The members of a Mastermind group get a chance to share their opinions, ideas, queries, successes, and downfalls. Each member gets an opportunity to learn something new from everyone’s experience. They also garner wisdom and knowledge from these group discussions. Generally, these groups are divided into three sections namely; the beginning, middle and the end.In the beginning, every person gets an opportunity to share briefly their goals from the previous meetings. The middle part of the di scussion centers on the complications, issues and queries of a person’s situation. Finally, the meeting ends when every individual shares their goals about the upcoming meetings. The structure of the group meetings might vary, but the basic idea remains the same.What a mastermind group is notVery often, we mistake the idea of mastermind group for several common groups like a class, coaching or networking group. However, these groups are not mastermind groups. Here’s why they aren’t.A mastermind group is not a class because here the group members can always vote for bringing in new teachers and new guest speakers from time to time. The main focus of this group is not basic teaching but brainstorming and providing support to other members of the group.This group is also quite different from a regular coaching class. Here, the teachers don’t coach the group members, rather, the members share their individual experiences with each other. This group gives you an opportunity to ac hieve everyone’s support, guidance, and feedbacks through small discussions. Yes. There might be a facilitator who’s an expert on the topic. However, he too, will eventually chime into the group. At the end of the day, the conversation is supposed to be balanced among all group members.Although this group deals with sharing interesting leads and resources, yet, it is not a networking group. However, while sharing your experiences and developing connections with other group members, you will find a wide gamut of wonderful opportunities and professional networking.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A MASTERMIND GROUP?There are several benefits of attending or even running a mastermind group. To name a few:Consistent mutual support: Well, this is the main USP of a mastermind group. Although these groups are focused on a specific activity, yet, with differing goals, you will get a chance to count on other group members for consistent mutual support. For instance, when your progress on a speci fic goal has considerably slacked down, it is only the members of the mastermind group, who will understand what’s happening in your life. With their help and support, you will no longer feel ‘alone’ in the business. On top of that, your group members too will turn out to be viable advisors for your business. The best part: They will also provide their valuable and insightful advice that would help you in the long run.Conflicting opinions: The most remarkable part of a mastermind group is it’s unique and out of the box perspectives. Hearing different and conflicting opinions of your fellow mastermind group members will open newer vistas for you. With these conversations, you will be able to see all those issues about which you were not aware of otherwise. In this way, your perspective about life and your approach to your goals might change. Whether you agree with the assessments or not, yet, they are likely to provide you better and improved understanding of your approach.Am ple resources: This is another reason you should join a mastermind group. These groups usually come with a lot of resources. This is mostly because everyone in the group will access a different skill set and an entirely different group of people. Quite interestingly, this is exactly what will come handy. You will find that while asking for help in mastermind groups, these resources would help you to progress in ways you would have never opted for by yourself. Thus, if you want to access newer and more useful resources that would come handy in fulfilling your goals, joining a mastermind group can be a great option.More accountable: Yes. Joining a mastermind group makes you much more accountable in many ways. Your fellow group members will hold you accountable to the goals you’ve set. On top of that, the fact that you have a regular and scheduled meeting, will drive you internally and compel you to make progress. Thus, your projects too are likely to move forward with the right kind of mastermind groups.Greater collaboration: Although mastermind group does not aim networking, yet, it also ends up with greater and better collaboration. Here, you might find someone in this group who is a perfect fit for your current/upcoming project. At the same time, you too can be the perfect help for another person. As the group works collaboratively, they get better chances to achieve success together.Newer scopes of learning: Almost all of us strive to learn better and a mastermind group exactly fulfills this opportunity. Everyone in this group is unique with respect to skills, talents, experience and networks. By healthy interactions and by sharing your goals and challenges, it is almost certain that someone in the group will have the right solution for you. At the same time, you too can have a solution or a marketing tactic for someone else.Exclusive community: This is exactly what is special about a mastermind group. This group lets you be a part of an entirely exclusive community. So, you get a chance to mingle amidst better quality experiences and better scopes of wisdom.Think big: A mastermind group fosters the basic idea of thinking big. It helps you to think big. It helps you to think beyond your comfort zone. It helps you to think out of the box.HOW DOES A MASTERMIND GROUP WORK?Mastermind groups work when the group members schedule time-to-time meetings and participate in those meetings regularly. Here, the group members can meet and interact with fellow members in person. At the same time, they can also communicate via telephone, Skype, social media and every other online message boards. For the groups that involve meeting in person or over the phone, a once-in-a-month meeting is fixed. This meeting is held for a considerable period of time, where the group members can communicate, collaborate and share their conflicting opinions. Again, the meetings that are held via social media or online message boards are held once a week or once a fortn ight.A mastermind group may or may not follow a specific structure. However, in order to make the group work, a consistent commitment is required. You have to make sure that your group has highly-motivated individuals who are not only willing to help, but are also looking forward to help. You should choose members who are compassionate and supportive enough. Conflict of opinions can always take place. However, they should never overpower the supportive nature of the group members. In simpler words, a mastermind group will only work if proper meetings are held and if the group members regularly show up in the meetings.How are applicants screened?In order to run your Mastermind group successfully, you will also have to ensure a thorough screening of the applicants. This screening is usually done in order to make sure that the members fit into an existing and that their commitment level is extremely high. Before starting the procedure of screening, decide how many members you want in t he group (5-6 members is recommended). Also, while allowing new members to the group make sure that they join owing to everyone’s unanimous consent. You should also ask the follow questions to the prospective members of the group;Will this group deal with your personal mission, business mission or a value vision?What do you aim to do in the coming three years?How and where will you find the chance and time to participate in the group discussions of a mastermind group?Why should you be the right choice for this group?How committed are you in expanding your business and also in your personal life?Even with these questions, you might end up with shady individuals who claim to be committed but never manage time. Also, be prepared to ask a member to leave the group if they’re not participating actively. This is because; a slow/inactive member can bring down the entire energy level of the group.HOW TO START A MASTERMIND GROUP?In order to start a Mastermind group, you will have to adhe re to the following guidelines.Step #1: Choose a topic. No mastermind group can survive if it does not come with a concrete and proper topic. So, in order to start a group, you will have to begin with a right topic. This topic can be either narrow or broad as per your preference and the preference of your group members. If you’re just getting started with mastermind groups, we would recommend you to pick on the particular aspect of your life and start with it. Whether it is fitness, career, school; life or some other broader and vaster area; you have to be smart with the topic. Also, if you’re more interested in a business goal, you can also go for a topic related to your business or professional sphere.Step #2: Choose the members wisely. A Mastermind Group can only be good if it has good members. The goodness of the members defines the goodness of the group. Try to screen people, and in doing so, try to choose people who have a similar interest and who are driven by similar goa ls. This might apparently seem difficult. However, with so many social media websites, ending up with the right members is no big hassle at all. Try to choose members who are driven by their goals and who are serious about their commitments. There’s no point in choosing people who do not take their commitments seriously. While choosing these individuals also, make sure that they have diverse skills and talents. They should also be supportive and compassionate enough to help others. In simpler words, you should choose an individual who not only comes with the mentioned skills but is also active. Their energetic attitude will charge up the entire energy of the group. So, pick your group members with care.Step #3: Create a structure. Yes. In order to make your group successful and in order to make it work, you will have to create a proper structure. There should be a structure in the meetings held and the discussions taking place. Everything should follow an order. At the same time, you should also create a couple of ground rules. As members, everyone should follow and adhere to the rules. However, don’t be too hard while figuring out the rules. Always remember that the rules are not meant to stifle any member. On the contrary, they are meant only to benefit the members. You should come up with a loose set of ground rules that does not conflict with the mutual respect of the individuals. In simpler words, you have to make sure that these rules keep everyone in the same and right line. However, if you feel like it, you can also come up with strict and more intense rules. But make sure, everything falls in the right structure.Step #4: Meet and share your ideas. Well, now that your mastermind group is ready, you will simply have to start meeting the members according to the specified or the pre-decided schedule. Meeting will not only open opportunities to come across newer people, but it also lets you share your individual ideas. Again, these meetings lead to di scussions that give you newer perspectives about an already known topic. While meeting group members and sharing ideas, make sure that these meetings take place in a properly scheduled time. Choose a time slot and make sure that everyone is punctual. This will keep your group active and going.Besides these guidelines, you should also ensure that every member is given equal time for conversation and sharing their views. Again, none of them should be interrupted while placing a point. You can always keep an implicit agenda and stay away from the explicit ones. These explicit agendas may not make your group as successful as it could be. You can also choose a facilitator, for better assistance during the discussions. All in all, follow these guidelines and additional insights to enjoy the best from your mastermind group.HOW TO RUN YOUR MASTERMIND GROUP?Running your mastermind group involves a lot of efforts. However, if you know the right strategies, there’ll be no looking back for yo u. Following are a couple of guidelines that’ll help you to run your mastermind group successfully. Check them out.Meet regularly but precisely. Yes. This is much better than the monthly meets. It keeps everyone in sync, and it also keeps the discussions more active and energetic. In order to run these groups, you should choose a schedule or meeting once a week for 60 minutes. This regular but precise meeting will surely play a vital role in the development of your mastermind group.Every individual should be provided with equal time. When an individual speaks for a conversation, make sure that they get ample time to place their views. At the same time, make sure that every individual is given the same/equal time. Larger groups might need a timer in this regard. Besides this, you should also make sure that no group member is interrupted during the conversation. Everyone should get an equal chance of placing their views, and they should never be interrupted as interruption distracts the members and ruins the smooth flow of the conversation. It might also lead to disputes. So, it is better to avoid speaking in the middle of a discussion.Decide whether you need an agenda. While running your mastermind group, you should decide whether you need an agenda for discussion. In case you don’t, individuals can share their general experiences and these experiences will turn out to be useful for one and all.Decide whether you need a facilitator. A facilitator is usually the person who has profound insights on a specific topic relevant for your group. He is responsible for co-coordinating the group discussions. However, we would recommend you to be your facilitators. All of you can act loosely as facilitators and keep your policies in the right shape. However, you can also go for a facilitator to make the group more scheduled and the group conversations more relevant to the topic.Besides following these guidelines, you should always have your insights and capacities to u nderstand what has happened throughout the meetings. So follow these viable guidelines to end up with your mastermind group and run it effectively and successfully with the right set of members.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Role of the Gods in the Aenied - 1000 Words

The Aeneid: Analysis Essay In the Aeneid, many Gods play a role in the story. The king of all deities, Jupiter, the divine antagonist of the destiny of Aeneas, and Venus, his main protector and his mother are the main Gods. Lesser Gods such as Mercury, Neptune, and Aeolus serve as instruments for the main Gods to interfere with during the story. The role of the Gods in The Aeneid play a major part in intervening in certain events and delaying Aeneas journey, but nothing can change what Jupiter has decreed will happen, although they alter the way the events transpire. In book one, the interactions of Gods is clear when Juno is angry that the Trojans are prophesized to destroy her favored city, Carthage. Already having hatred toward the†¦show more content†¦Have you entirely forgotten your own kingdom and your own destiny (Book 4)†? Mercury describes Aeneas as senseless and dumb, however this reminding him of his pietas. Aeneas then makes the heart-piercing decision to leave Carthage and Dido, reasoning with her by saying â€Å"it is not by my own will that I search for Italy†(Book 4). This shows again the assertive role of the Gods. Throughout The Aeneid, the relationship between fate and Gods is very complex and inexorable. Venus and Juno constantly clash over the prediction of the Roman Empire. Jupiter, finally having enough, constructs a council to learn why they have such bitterness when he forbids Italy to clash with the Trojans. Jupiter tells them â€Å"a treaty has been decided and agreed upon and they should accept t his. War will come in the future but not now (Book 10)†. Jupiter’s will trumps the will of any other God’s. The lesser Gods can intervene with the events of the story as much as they want, but Aeneas’s destiny is preordained. Jupiter knows this. Jupiter knows the fates. â€Å"The fates will find their way (Book 10)†. Nothing can change what Jupiter has decreed will happen; although they alter the way the events transpire. When Juno wants to save Turnus, Jupiter tells her that she cannot change his fate by delaying his death. Aeneas’ actual destiny in the story appeared to be proportionally significant with the role of the Gods. Particularly in the first half of theShow MoreRelated Aenied Essay1484 Words   |  6 PagesAenied Many argue that throughout Aenied, Virgil develops Aeneas to be a boring and unheroic character; always acting as he should with apparently no power to act in any other way. Occasionally sidetracked, Aeneas is prodded and redirected by the gods toward his destiny. Aeneas’ mother, Venus, constantly interjects to lead Aeneas toward his fate. 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First off, in early European societies parody is very evident, in Canto XXX of Purgatorio when Dante actually chooses to borrow a line from Virgil’s Aenied. â€Å"I recognize the signs of the old flame,† these li nes originally found in the Aenied being spoken by Dido are now spoken by Dante, â€Å"precisely before Virgil vanishes from the Comedia.† (Mandelbaum [PaO] 332) in order to both offer farewells to Virgil, and at the same time, â€Å" describe his ownRead MoreDiscuss the Role of the Supernatural in the Aeneid3022 Words   |  13 PagesDiscuss the role of the supernatural in Aeneid 3 In ancient poetry, gods were people too; early epic was history but a history adorned by myth. This fantastical, mythical element came via the gods, envisaged as anthropomorphic deities. In Virgil’s Aeneid these gods function in epic as literary vehicles and as characters no less detailed and individual than the people in the poem. In this world where the mortal and the supernatural not only coexist but interweave with one another, the Aeneid follows

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys by Victor Rios Free Essay Example, 1250 words

A concept which Victor Rios uses in his book Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys , is the paradox of control; there were many police officers who knew that these boys are poor and traumatized, however, their priority was more about upholding the law and maintaining order. The police officers took measures, which were extreme in nature when it came to the deviant youth. Rios's determination to seek a Ph. D. degree and then teach stemmed from his best friend, Simley s death. The following quote explains how sociology plays a part in the life of these boys: Smiley s death and my negative interactions with police forced me to reflect on the larger picture of youth violence and criminalization in Oakland. Without knowing it at the time, I began to develop a sociological imagination. I began to realize that in order to understand my personal predicament; I needed to find out how youth and police violence became so prevalent in my community. Macro sociology is the study based on a large scale, whereas micro is the study of individuals, as in what they say and do on a daily basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys by Victor Rios or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History of Electronic Medical Records Free Essays

WORK EXPERIENCE Case Manager DS Community Services – Nashville, TN – January 2013 to Present Responsibilities my responsibilities were to keep all files up to date I made sure that each client had OT, PT and ST plans. I made sure that there physicals and dental was up to date. I did the scheduling as well as monthly reviews on each individual I do risk assessment made sure all filing was done and put files and alphabetical order I fax answer phone calls and copy thing as well as greeting the family and clients when they came in to the office when on ISP meeting and do QA all the notes on each client. We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Electronic Medical Records or any similar topic only for you Order Now Medical Assistant Tennessee Pediatrics – Nashville, TN – January 2013 to November 2013 Responsibilities scheduling appointments, checking patients in and out, updating patient’s charts, faxing and scanning shot records, assisting Doctors with patients, giving injections and drawing blood, giving CBC, hematology, and running urine analysis, taking vital signs, and a variety of other test that pertain to the needs of the patient Phlebotomist Technician / Receptionist tech CSL Plasma – Madison, TN – January 2012 to December 2012 phlebotomist there and the receptionist tech I put in data and do vital signs welcome guess when they enter the door and setting up machines DC in which means disconnect donor from the machine can sitting up machines in preparing them for their donations Direct Care Professional Tennessee Family Solutions – Nashville, TN – March 2010 to February 2012 Ensured the implementation of outcomes, therapeutic plans, programs and service information between the day/school programs. Ensured the implementation of the Individual Support Plans, ISP and documentation and tracked any progress from the ISP plans. Maintained open communicants with legal guardians, advocates, conservator and indepent support coordinator. Ensured consistency of individual skills effectiveness of programming, service objectives daily notes. Monitored all doctor appointments and follow up appointment along with medications for  individuals served. Ensured the home for safety and environmental issues to help to resolve the issues if any were found. Ensured that each individual’s current nutritional and behavior management plan was being carried out Technician Assistant Donaldson Place Caring Rehabilitation – 2008 to 2009 Administered and monitored the care of the patients. Ensured active treatment programs were being implemented to meet the need of the patient. Developed behavior support systems to help reduce challenging behaviors of the patient. Encouraged self-development of the patient while they were in the care of the agency. Assisted the activities coordinator with daily activities of the clients. Assisted nurses with passing daily medication to patients. Completed all paper work in a timely manner. Resources for Human Development Care Provider 2008 to 2009 Ensured the daily living skills of the clients were being met. Ensured that all regulations were met for active treatment and for all services provided to the client. Ensured the each client medical and nutritional management plan was being followed daily. Ensured consistency of individual skills effectiveness of programming, service objectives and daily notes. Ensured the home was maintained for the safety of the client. Completed all paper work in a timely manner. Tracked and implemented behavior supports that were needed for the client. COMPUTER AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: CPR and First Aid Certified. Unlicensed Professional Medication Administration Certified Proficient with Microsoft office word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook. EDUCATION Medical assistant in M.A Nashville College of medical careers – Nashville, TN January 2009 to January 2010 High School Diploma Cornerstone Christian High School – Georgia January 2005 to January 2008 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Five years’ experience in the Developmentally Disabled and Mentally. Challenged individuals served. Experienced with proving medical assistance  to clients while in rehabilitation. How to cite The History of Electronic Medical Records, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

In The Shooting An Elephant, George Orwell Describes An Internal Essay Example For Students

In The Shooting An Elephant, George Orwell Describes An Internal Essay In the essay Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell describes an internal conflict between his personal morals and his duty to his country?moreover, his duty to the white mans reputation. Orwells decision to kill the elephant is a direct result of oppression. Oppression perhaps goes deeper than the average man would imagine, noticeably hindering even the lives of the oppressors. Orwells moral values are challenged in many different ways, ironically enough while he too was the oppressor. Orwells extraordinary style is never displayed well than through Shooting an Elephant, when he seemingly blends his style and subject into one. Orwell expresses his conflicting views regarding imperialism through three examples of oppression by his country, by the Burmese, and by himself on the Burmese. The British author George Orwell, pen name for Eric Blair, achieved prominence in the 1940s as the author of two brilliant satires. Orwell was born in 1903 in the Indian Village Motihari, which lies near the border of Nepal. Orwells family led a relatively privileged and fairly pleasant existence, in helping to administer the Empire. Although his family was not very wealthy, Orwell later described them as lower-upper-middle class. With some difficulty, Orwells parents sent their son to a private preparatory school in Sussex at the age of eight. At the age of thirteen he won a scholarship to Wellington, and soon after another to Eaton, the famous public school. He wrote documentaries, essays, and criticism during the 1930s and later established him as one of the most important and influential voices of the century. The style of this essay is generally very simple, but it is strong enough to merit numerous interpretations. Orwell uses metaphors to do this: They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer about to perform a trick. Oppression is shown by Orwell through the burden of servitude placed upon him by England: All I knew was that I was struck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beast who tried to make my job impossible. Though Orwells handling of his subject is detailed, in the end, he subtly condemns imperialism. Orwell finds himself in a moral predicament no different than the ones placed on the white men in the East. Orwell justifies his actions, solely to avoid looking a fool, driven by the instigation of the Burmese. Imagine yourself in Orwells position: hundreds of Burmese, who speak no English, like an army following behind you, misunderstanding your purpose and expecting a climactic death. What would you do? How would you react? The natives hinder Orwells intentions and thrust upon him their own. Orwell himself, against his will, has oppressed many. British Imperialism dominated not only Burma, but also other countries that did not belong to England. At the time it may appear, from the outside, that the officers were helping the Burmese because they too were against oppressors; however, from the inside, they too were trying to annex other countries,: I perceived in this moment that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom he destroys. In Orwells case the coolie killed by the elephant represents the invasion of Burma by the British. Just as no one can predict the next victim of the elephant, also no one can predict the next victim of the British. Since the coolie is killed it gives Orwell a justifiable reason to kill the elephant. Orwell does not want to be thought of as British, but he does not want to be thought the fool either. George Orwell makes his decision to shoot the elephant appear to be reasonable. Underneath it all he questions his actions just as he questions those of the British. Orwell despised both the British Empire as well as the Burmese natives, making everything more complicated and complex. The elephant represents imperialism; therefore, the slow destruction of the elephant must represent the slow demise of British Imperialism. .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .postImageUrl , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:hover , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:visited , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:active { border:0!important; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:active , .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97 .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13b861d4843a91dc2069ed1c17ccec97:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of vicissitude of things EssayWe can see that Orwell doesnt like himself much because of this incident,and can only wonder how many more incidents such as this, possibly moreserious in nature, could have occurred solely to avoid looking a fool. This summary really made me realize that by his country, by the Burmese, and by himself on the Burmese, Orwell expresses his conflicting views regarding imperialism through oppression.